See Autism@Manchester events hosted at The University of Manchester, and find out when our members will be speaking at external events.
Upcoming events
We are currently in the process of planning our next series of events. Please check back soon for updates on exciting opportunities to engage with the Autism@Manchester community. Please check back soon.
Past events
Seminar: "Café Autistique"
Thursday 28 November
Speakers were:
Dr Erin Beeston (Co-production officer for Autism@Manchester).
“Through the looking glass: Investigating autistic health inequalities as an autistic researcher.” Erin shared insights into her early findings surveying research into autistic health inequalities. As a parent of autistic children grappling with the healthcare system, and self-diagnosed as AuDHD, Erin also reflected on parallels she’s drawn between daily life and her research.
Dr Kathy Leadbitter & Hilary Trink (researchers at The University or Manchester).
Kathy and Hilary discussed their work on the REACH-ASD Trial. In this talk they described a new programme developed to support parents/carers of newly diagnosed autistic children to understand their child, adjust to the diagnosis, and feel resilient in the face of parenting complexities and external stressors. Presented the findings of a large trial that evaluated the programme’s impacts.
Please see the full programme for more information or contact Alexandra Sturrock at
Seminar: "Café Autistique”.
April 11 2024
Monique Huysamen, a researcher at The Manchester Metropolitan University, shared findings and resources from the Supporting Autistic Adults’ Intimate Lives (SAAIL) research project. This project explored autistic people’s experiences with sex and relationships, and how adult social care can better support this aspect of their lives.
Bill Davies, a professor at The University of Salford and an autistic researcher, introduced the concept of aural diversity. He discussed how everyone hears differently and presented findings from a recent Defra project on how autistic people’s hearing differs from ‘normal hearing’.
Seminar: "Café Autistique”.
Seminar: "Autism, Vision and Eye care”.
Otctober 10 2023 , 6 - 7pm
Dr Ketan Parmar
Webinar - Time & Autism: Are we asking the right questions?
July 23 2021
Drs Daniel Poole, Luke Jones, Emma Gowen & Ellen Poliakoff
Time is fundamental to how we experience and interact with the world. Some autistic people may experience differences in how they understand and perceive time. Why any differences occur, and what they are like, is not currently understood.
At this webinar we brought together researchers, autistic people, their friends and families and professionals working with autistic people to share knowledge and consider future directions in improving understanding of time and autism. The webinar marked the end of our 3 year Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded project on time perception in autism and we will be presenting our overall findings.
Webinar: Autistic people’s experience of time
Dan Poole
6 October 2020
Webinar: The development and piloting of EMPOWER-ASD: a post-diagnostic programme for parents of children recently diagnosed with autism
Kathy Leadbitter, Louisa Harrison, Ceri Ellis, June Gilbert and Amelia Pearson
13 October 2020
View a video of the talk, "The development and piloting of EMPOWER-ASD"
Language and communication profiles of autistic females without intellectual impairments: strengths and weaknesses and impact on life
Alex Sturrock
How the complexity and diversity of the language parents use affects young children’s language development
Sophie Langhorne
20 October 2020
View a video of Alex's and Sophie's talks
Narratives of 'Cognitive Estrangement' or; Fantastic Autistics and Where to Find Them
David Hartley, PhD Creative Writing
16 October 2020
Venue: Zochonis Building Lecture Theatre A, University of Manchester
Autistic identity has had a long and complex relationship with the rhetoric of science fiction; from the casual use of the phrase ‘like an alien from another planet’ to the intimation of robotic brains in the ‘wired differently’ metaphor. But autistic people have also found productive and affirming narratives in the fantastical genres, not least in the identification of ‘autistic-ish’ heroes such as Spock from Star Trek and The Doctor from Doctor Who.
What alternative vision of autistic identity can the fantastical genres help explore? And how might this intersection of neurodifference and genre encourage a reconfiguration in the narratives of both? This talk will explore the ‘estrangement’ of autism within the intersections of neurodivergent writings, science-fiction theory and the encounters explored in my own creative practice.
Participatory autism research: opportunities and challenges
Dr Laura Crane, Associate Professor and Deputy Director, Centre for Research in Autism and Education (CRAE), University College London
4 April 2020
Venue: The Fossils Gallery (just under Stan the T-Rex!) on the Ground Floor of The Manchester Museum, Oxford Rd, Manchester, M13 9PL
In the autism research field, there is growing recognition of the need to conduct research 'with', as opposed to 'on', 'about' or 'for', autistic people and their families (see Pellicano, Charman & Dinsmore, 2014). Despite calls for greater autistic participation in research (e.g., Fletcher-Watson et al., 2018), there is much uncertainty regarding the practicalities and utility of such an approach. In this talk, Laura will discuss participatory autism research, focusing specifically on a co-produced research project examining mental health in young autistic people. She will also discuss some of the perceived challenges of participatory working in the autism field, based on interview data collected from established and early career autism researchers in the UK.
View a video of the talk (If you can’t see the subtitles, you can access them in settings when you hover over the video with the mouse.)
Transcript of Dr Laura Crane's talk
Autism in Women and Girls
Seminar and Workshop: Postcards from an Aspie World
Hayden Larder, Helen Larder and Dan Redfearn
26 March 2018
Kanaris Lecture Theatre, The Manchester Museum
Hayden, Helen and Dan will give a presentation about their autism training resource for practitioners.
View: Autism in Women and Girls PDF for more information
Seminar and Poster Session: Uncovering Hidden Autism in Females
Hannah Belcher (Anglia Ruskin)
21 May 2018
Kanaris Lecture Theatre, The Manchester Museum
Females with autism face longer waiting times to receive their diagnosis and many are not identified at all. Increased social motivation and social mimicking strategies are thought to be behind these difficulties in identification. This talk, given by Hannah Belcher who herself is diagnosed with autism, will discuss evidence supporting this theory and speculate on what research needs to uncover to improve the lives of females affected by autism
View: Autism in Women and Girls PDF for more information
23 November 2016, The University of Manchester
School can be a challenging place for many young autistic people, as they are more likely than their peers to be excluded, experience bullying, and develop mental health problems. Professor Neil Humphrey explored why this is the case, and what can be done about it.
2 July 2016
Dr Emma Gowen gave a talk titled Building bridges: creating partnerships between autistic and research communities.
Investigating the role of microRNAs in autism susceptibility
17 February 2016, The University of Manchester
PhD student Thomas Bleazard talked about his project to investigate the role of microRNA regulatory molecules, genes that work by controlling other genes inside cells rather than by building or doing things themselves, in autism susceptibility.